The following tasks are performed by the club officers to ensure that the mission of the Fish Club is successfully completed in accordance with the By-Laws.
Each proposed candidate to office shall be fully informed of the duties of the office by the Nominating Committee prior to acceptance to serve if elected.
Key: Skipper Navigator Purser Volunteer Board
- Adopted: April 20, 2002
- Revised: October 23, 2006
- Revised: April 13, 2023
1. | S | Coordinate dinner dates, times, and menus. |
2. | SB | Christmas dinner and ladies night held in December: Coordinate arrangements with members of the Board. |
3. | S | Dinner menu: September through May — Nine Fish Dinners — Coordinate menu with the Caterer. One dinner should include Fish Balls. |
4. | SV | Prepare monthly dinner invitation via email. |
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11. | N | Dinner Preparation: Set up table decorations, Norwegian flag etc., pour aquavit and coordinate dinner arrangements with the venue manager i.e. audio-video equipment etc. |
12. | P | After dinner audit the bill, agree on number of dinners served with the venue manager, then pay the club manager for the dinner with cash on hand and check for the remainder. |
13. | SV | Speaker’s program: Locate, contact and schedule speakers. Send thank-you to the speaker afterward. |
14. | SB | Order supplies as necessary. |
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17. | SNP | Purchase Linie Aquavit by the case when possible. |
18. | SB | Maintain Membership Database: Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, etc. |
19. | SP | Annual dues: Notify members that dues are payable on January 1 of each year. Collect dues at the dinners between September and December. |
20. | SB | Roster: Publish annually after dues are collected. |
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23. | SB | Membership application |
24. | SP | Name tags shall be provided to all members. |
25. | SV | Website: Webmaster to keep website current. |
26. | S | February meeting is designated as ‘Ladies’ Night’. |
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31. | SB | Club History: Maintain an historical file of pictures, invitations, speakers, Tusen Takk awards etc. |
32. | V | Each January, the CEO shall appoint a volunteer auditor to examine the bank account records. The auditor may examine club assets and may review operational compliance with the club’s documents. The auditor shall present a verbal report to the Fish Club upon completion of his audit. |